The unfavorable international context after World War II to the maintenance of colonialisms
The effects of theBerlin Conference on Africa on the African diasporas Increasing mobilization inthe world against colonialism Portuguese
Collective mobilization of Africannations and peoples against colonialism in general and against Portuguesein particular
Opposition of Portuguese progressivecircles against colonialismpracticed by the authorities of their country
Association organizations of Angola, mostly claimative, and religiouswith liberation doctrine, that precededthe outbreak of uprisings and uprisings against colonialism
Angolan League
African Guild
Luanda Athletic Club
Gémio peace and work
Cultural Society of Angola
African National League
South Angola African Association
Protestant churches were alsoa peaceful bastion for the extinction of colonialism
The joint historical events referredto as the "Process of 50"
On the nature and designation of the "Process"
The seemingly fortuitous incident that unpologetised thefamous "Process of 50"
The second wave of repression againstthe nationalists involved in the "Process"
The evocation of the mobilizing heroismof King Muana Malaza or NvitaNkanga or D. AntónioI of congo, hero-martyr of the battle of Ammbuíla, by the Movement for the Independence of Angola (MIA)
The patriotic days that shook colonialismin Angola in the first quarter of 1961
Uprising and insurrection in Kassange Downtown
Obscurantist and sincreetic oath of the unrisen
Military actions of the natives and the Portuguesein The Lower Kassange
The events of February 4 (and subsequent)in Luanda
Superstition and obscurantism instrumentalizedfor the mobilization of those involved
15 March 1961: the hecatombe of the colonial regime
Succession of military actions ofthe unemerged and carried out only in the Uige
Assessment of events inAngola by the UN Security Council
Second UN Security Councilmeeting on the situation in Angola
Angolan nationalism with initial regionalexpression: the case of UPNA,then with national expression of UPA and finally FNLA
General political, diplomatic and militarydynamics in the context of the struggle for independence
The reasons for the multicentric andasynchronous origin of Angolan nationalist organizations
The National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA)
The initial political constraints of theFNLA, based on the alienation in1885 of thesouthern region of the fragmented kingdom and Congo empire to Portugal bymeans negotiated with Belgium and France, its consequent aggregation to the primitive colony of Angola and creation of the district of congo Portuguese with capital in Cabinda
The relationship between the originof Angolan nationalism and thecompetition between religious confessions established in northern Angola
Portuguese military expedition to Dambaand submission of its native population
The role of theBaptist missionary society (with the initials in English BMS) in the ontology of Angolan nationalism in northern Angola
The relevance of the mission of BaptistProtestants in the ontology of nationalism in northern Angola
The tribulations in succession onthe throne of the Congo inthe first half of the 20th century and the origin of Angolan nationalism in northern Angola
Immediate background to the founding of UPNA
The stormy entry of the UPA-FNLA leader intoAngola's history
Central African geopolitics and ethnonationalism in contratothe UPA's aspirations
The relationship between the riots that occurred in 1960 in the former CongoLeopoldville and the outbreak of insurrections in Angola in 1961
Still the apocalyptic and insurrectional eruptionin Northern Angola
From the formation of the National Frontfor the Liberationof Angola (FNLA) to the constitution of the Revolutionary Government of Angola in Exile (GRAE)
The dark and usual side of politics: ambition for power, intrigue and notable dissenities within the FNLA and GRAE
The fnla riot in Luvakain 1966
The multiple punitive firing scans of rebel military personnel at the Kinkuzu military base in 1972
The profound and negative internal consequences recorded within the FNLAand consequent to the serious incidents at the Kinkuzu military base in 1972
Expansion of the guerrilla struggle under fnla/grae
Social assistance provided by GRAE
Other incidences of grae's diplomatic activity
FNLA's ideological identity
Angolan nationalism gathered within the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA)
On the genesis of the designation of the political organisation
The training abroad ofunifying political platforms ofindependent organizations of the territories under colonization of Portugal
The first serious and historic split within the MPLA
The formation of theDemocratic Front for the Liberation of Angola (FDLA) andconsequent self-resignation of the first (or second, depending on the perspective still of controversy) president of the organization
The MPLA's diplomatic offensive against FNLA-GRAEdue toits recognition in 1963 by the OAU's African Liberation Committee (Committee of 9)
The triumphant government by coupd'état and led by Massamba Debat in Congo Brazaville has turnedthecountry into a safe territory for the functioning of African political organizations with a pro-socialist and pro-communist political orientation
The relevance of Cuba'sinvolvement in Africa in the consolidation of the anti-colonial struggle in Angola under the MPLA
The colonial conflict has tragicallyknocked on the door of the governor-general in office in Angola
In Cuba there is a popular adagethat says: el que no tiene de Congo tiene de carabali
First visit in 1966 of the leader ofthe MPLA, Dr. AntónioAgostinho Neto, and themilitary leader of the organization, José Mendes de Carvalho, to the Socialist Republic of Cuba, was decisive for the relaunch of the struggle auspiciada by the MPLA
The colonial conflict was also fratricidal and proxy: the tragedyof the physical disappearance in congo Kinshasa of five women affiliated in the mpla and integrated in the Camy squadron,who sought to internalize in Angola
The extension of the guerrillastifled by the MPLA to the Eastern region of the
About the manifestations of tribalismand racism within the organization
Tumultuouschallenge of MPLA members integrated into their i and IIregions structures against the organization's superior leadership in 1972
The unity and cooperationagreement concluded on 13 December 1972between the National Liberation Front ofAngola (FNLA) and the People's Liberation Movement of Angola (MPLA)
The MPLA torn with two internal dissenities and rebellions from 1973: thecases of the eastern uprising and that of the militants in active revolt
The inconclusive I MPLA congress held in1974 in Lusaka/Zambia
Angolan nationalism of originin the Center and South of the country: From religiousand regional associationto the Foundation of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)
The resistance of the populationsstill manifests in the formof ephemeral efforts to opposed and combat colonialism
The emergence of UNITA andits three congresses held before the end of the colonial conflict
The obscure phase of the organization and unmillioned designof its leader
The coup d'état of 25 April1974 in Portugal, its effectsin Angola in general and within UNITA in particular
The "Holy Trinity" of Liberationof Angola: the effortsof each of the three armedand independent organizations to consolidatein a hegemonic way in their regions of origin and with greater political support, with particular emphasis on urban areas
The MPLA moved forward in Luanda in 1974 with the creation ofthe ephemeral Committee for Political Action of Angola (CAPA)
The competition for political andmilitary hegemony between the Liberation movements
The entry of violence into urban areasand the influx of foreign forcesinto Angola, before the proclamation ofindependence, reflecting the component of proxy conflict in the context of the world Cold War
The last moment lostto the promotion of an independenceand a further harmonious evolution in Angola, between the three Liberation Movements
The Battle of Quifangondo
The protracted and severe dystocia of Angola's independence
The almost simultaneous realization of thebattle of Quifangondo took place on theoutskirts of Luanda, opposing the fnla and the mpla,as well as the staff of their respective foreign military coalitions, and the proclamation of independence in three cities of Angola
The leaders of the three National Liberation Movements
The exodus of the Portuguese by the creation of the Angolans