
Angel N'silu

Antonio José N'silu. He was born on Avenida dos Massacres (now Avenida Brasil), municipality of Rangel, Luanda province (while official records mention the district of Ingombota). He is the son of a mukongo father, musician and photographer, and ambundo mother, former grocer of the roque santeiro market and carnival princess.
He spent his childhood and grew up in Luanda, with a short stint in the province of Bengo. He went through several primary schools, where he developed a love for the arts. The most referencetexts of his childhood, folk music, the way of life and the Angolan sociocultural reality from an early age inspired him to write.
He attends the 2nd Year of Teaching the Portuguese Language, by ISCED (Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação) Benguela, Katyavala Bwila University, having previously tried computer technical courses between Luanda and Benguela, the latter the city that has hosted it since 2015. Loves traveling by land, caring and talking to nature.

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