The 3rd literary workshop run by the Gociante Patissa gave fruit. "(...) Not moving any intention to sell this work as a showcase of realization, we believe that it is an important milestone of a generation born between 1986 and 1987, resident in the provinces of Benguela, Luanda and Moxico, which for now has the seed more than launched and worthy of harvesting, in the not too distant future, names that will be among the most consistent feathers of Angolan literature.
Author: Gociante Patissa
Publisher: Alende - Edições | Perfil Criativo - Edições
Year of publication: Nov. 2019, 1st edition
Angola Edition - ISBN: 978-989-54797-7-1
Portugal Edition - ISBN: 978-989-54517-8-4
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Author: Gociante Patissa
Publisher: Alende - Edições | Perfil Criativo - Edições
Year of publication: November 2019 - First edition
ISBN: 978-989-54517-8-4
Number of pages: 138
Cloak: Soft
Measurements (Alt. x Larg. x Lombada): 210 x 150 x 10 mm
Weight: 0.120Kg
Collection: -
Comments: —
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