The international conjuncturein the transition to the 19th century and the formal abolition of the slave trade in territoriesunder colonial Portuguese
Historical events initiated inthe American continent and with globalizing repercussions
The abolitionistPortuguese ordinary legislation of the slave trade
The formal termination of the conditionof release and successive creation of the status of free person and the compelled work regime
The sparse and late sedentarization ofthe Portuguese in southern Angola in the 19thcentury and the widespreadcontinuation of the resistance of the natives, witnessed, for example, in annual reports of three governors general
The undefeated Region of the Dembos until the second decade ofthe 20th century
"The natural condition ofthe administration in this colony is to make war and prepare for it"
The aggregation at the endof the 19th century of the east of the present territory of the country in the primitive colony of Angola
The Berlin Conference on Africa
Some organizational aspects
Abstracts of the subjects dealt with in the nine substitutes
Plenary Sessions of the Conference
Second Plenary Session
Third Plenary Session
Fourth Plenary Session
Fifth Plenary Session
Sixth Plenary Session
Seventh Plenary Session
Eighth Session and the injunctionrejected proposal ofthe American representation to addressthe inalienable right of Africans to dispose of their territories
Ninth Session and cunning diplomacy, whichcreated the Free State ofCongo, a political-administrative entity that preceded the current Democratic Republic of congo
Tenth session and formal closing of the Conference
Effects in Angola of the Berlin Conference on Africa general contextualization
Angola's "open doors" policy and theimpending, casually frustrated, of Angola slipinto the jurisdiction
German colonial
New paradigm of Portuguese colonizationafter the end of the Berlin Conference on Africa
In how the commercial ambition atthe time of colonialism contributed greatly to the promotion of
alcoholism in Angola
The conception and implementation of the indigenousregime in the 20th century
The Identity Card and theStatus of Assimilated toEuropean culture as instruments of alforria and social stratification of the natives
Taxation by colonial authorities asan instrument of dominance over thenatives: from cubata and indigenous taxes to the single annual rate
Economic history of Angola:from the simple plunder tothe economic valuation of theterritory, framed in the project of creation of, by the longed colonial authorities, Nova Lusitania
From the times of Zimbo, Makuta, Angolar, Real, Escudosand foreigncurrencies at the time of the institution of banking activity in Angola
Land transport infrastructure
First major public works: the railway, initially called Ambaca and then Luanda
Beginning of the construction of the Moçâmedes railway, precipitated bythe heavy desaire of the Portuguese forces occurred in 1905 in Cuamato
For the Benguela Railway "God musthave spent an entire night to make this magnificent port
for the Portuguese. It's the best naturalport I've seen on the coasts of Africa or America."
How the independence of the Democratic Republic of congo has contributed indirectly to the abortionof the Congo railway, causing consequent difficulties in the development of Northern Angola
Other railways
Circulation and road equipment: malanje casually anticipated all localities inthe interior of Angola, opening roads for car traffic
Entrepreneurship and professional talent of indigenous peoples
Angola's economic crisis fromthe second to the fourth decades of the 20th century
The institutionalization ofangola's First Development Plan
Projects foreseen inthe First Economic Development Plan of Angola
Second Angola Development Plan
Interim economic plans, third and fourth
The paradox between the implementation ofeconomic promotion plans andthe prevalence of social degradation in the vast majority of the native population
From the pride of themulticontinental and multiracial empire to swan song, as prodromes of the respective collapse: the only three sovereigntytrips of Portuguese heads of state to colonized Angola
Revisit the steps in Angola ofthe three Portuguese presidents andinfer from them the social, economic and political evolution of the territory in the twentieth century
Brief description of thedemographic and economicgeography of the city of Luanda in the period between the seventeenth and early twentieth centuries
The Treaties of Simulambuco and Soioconcluded between the Native and Portuguese Authorities
Unhealthy city of Luanda and with themajority of Europeancity dwellers made up of degredo criminals
Continuation of the sovereignty tourof the first headof state Portuguese to visit Angola, General António Óscar de Fragoso Carmona
President General FranciscoHigino Craveiro Lopes' sovereignty visit
The swan songs chanted in Angola, about the decrepit and wounded colonial empire of death, by the last head of state New Portuguese, Admiral Américo de Deus Rodrigues Thomaz