Os Bantu na visão de Mafrano — Quase memórias — Volume II | The Bantu in the Vision of Mafrano — Almost Memories -— Volume II
The book "The Bantu in Mafrano's Vision - Volume II" presents a series of chapters addressing various themes related to the cultural anthropology of the Bantu people. The book begins with an introduction about Father Carlos Estermann and his connection to Mafrano's cultural anthropology. It then delves into the history of "Xiriva-Zuba" and the issues of biogenesis, interpreted through a Bantu aboriginal perspective.
Subsequent chapters cover topics such as the Bantu telegraph, Angolan toponyms and Bantu ethics, the philosophical arbitration on the origin of humankind, Bantu philosophy on death, Bantu languages, the influence of a biological superstition on Bantu inheritance law, Bantu legends and myths, the temporal genesis of human races, and the history of Mafrano as narrated by Dom Zacarias Kamuenho. The book also includes a photo album and tributes to significant figures associated with Mafrano.
Author: Maurício Francisco Caetano
Publisher: Perfil Criativo - Edições
Year of first edition publication: May 2023
Portugal Edition - ISBN: 978-989
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