What happens to us is time, the time that has befallen us, beloved sisters. It happens that it's a time of haste and of showing off and of not knowing who we are but having to pretend. We were born in modern times, they say, but we carry the imprints of mandates from a hostile past, of women broken by injustices who were burdened with the enormous responsibility of educating us. Us, their offspring. We, who were born with our veins already soaked in sweat from the strength we came to bring, from the battles we've come to fight, from the cars we've come to push. We will live this costume party by taking off our masks for the first time. We will honor our precious mothers by breaking these heavy chains and those of our children. And we will turn upside down a time that does not belong to us.
Author: Gemma Almagro
Publisher: Perfil Criativo - Edições
Year of publication: November 2022 - 1st edition
ISBN: 978-989-53574-7-5
Language: Spanish
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