"The book therefore bears witness to its trajectory of struggle for Democracy in Angola, carried out for years, on the ground and in the corridors of UNITA diplomacy, where we are told about aspects that aim not only to enrich Angolan society, and in particular its youth, but also to understand and make known facts often ignored in the history of our country of the last 40 years, both in his internal context, as in what has happened and continues to happen, often unnoticed, in Africa and Europe where, for years, the author carries out his duties far from the earth and the continent that saw him born, crossing the corridors of international diplomacy and in other years behind the scenes."
Alcides Sakala Simões (Deputy of the National Assembly)
Author: Virgilio K. Samakuva
Publisher: Marmoco
Year of publication: November 2020, 1st edition
ISBN: 978-989-54556-3-8
Language: Portuguese
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