Bring to memory figures that, in their time, influenced or marked the history of humanity
Memorar & Opinar,intends only to make known or recall personalities of disparate behaviors that, in its time, marked the story. Some honored her, working, putting her intelligence, her wisdom, her knowledge or her power, at the service of the progress and well-being of humanity, contributing to the construction of a better world, tolerant, peaceful, more humane, serious and with minor inequalities. Others, however, would spot it, often with the blood shed of the countless corpses they left on the way, in a veritable extermination that filled mass graves, crematorium ovens, cemeteries, crammed rivers and lakes painted red, enslaved and sacrificed millions in terror camps and so many other data as missing, victims of unqualified bloodthirsty leaders. There are also those who have led greed to sin and those who have betrayed those who have trusted them, committing undesirable and reputable acts. (...)
Author: João Rodrigues
Publisher: Perfil Criativo - Edições
Year of publication: Apr. 2021
ISBN: 978-989-53079-1-3
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