Álvaro Henriques do Vale
António Feijó Júnior
António Santos Gomes
Armindo Laureano
Armindo Fragoso Laureano (1976), he attended law at the Catholic University of Angola, having left in 2006, with his third year, to perform as HR manager at Panalpina. In 2009 he joined TV Zimbo, at the invitation of the ProgramS Board, after a noted passage by Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. He hosted the Zimbando Talk-Show for three years, a 3-hour daily show that became audience leader on Zimbo TV. In 2012 he was transferred to the Information Directorate of TV Zimbo where he covered the elections with the CNE. He was also one of the reporters of the inauguration of the first president elected by direct universal suffrage in Angola in September 2012.
Since November 2012, he has been the author, director and presenter of Vivências a program of formal interviews in live, lasting two hours, to personalities from various quarters of Angolan and international society broadcast on Radio UNIA (Luanda), Rádio Morena (Benguela) and Rádio Morabeza (Cape Verde). On TV Zimbo, he was invited in June 2013 to host the Panorama program and in October of the same year starts the activity as a pivot of the First Newspaper of ZIMBO TV. It is since April this year host of Talk-Show: Zimbo Show.
Founder of the Philanthropic Association Zungueiros Solidários, since 2009.
Chronicler of Africa Today magazines, Executive and The Weekly Angolense.
He was awarded the Maboque Journalism Award in 2015 in the Interview category.
He is cultural ambassador of The Welcome to Angola Portal. -
Bernardino Luacute
Son of Pereira Luacute and Sofia Bernardo Luacute, Bernardino Chambala Bernardo Luacute was born in 1970 in Lobito, Benguela province, Boa Esperança Neighborhood.
Between 2003 and 2006, he attended the University Center of Benguela (CUB), Agostinho Neto University, through which he obtained, in 2009, a bachelor's degree.
In 2013, KAT-Editora published the author's final course work, entitled "Political-ideological tendencies of the Angolan Nationalist Process (1945-1975)", and the launch took place at the Katyavala Bwila University of Benguela and the Instituto Médio Polytécnico Sol Nascente do Huambo.
Bernardino Luacute has been a military officer of the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA) since 1988. -
Carlos Mariano Manuel
As early as in the first gloss of his life he became innocent, involved in the epicenter of the stormy events integrated at the beginning of the war, by National or anticolonial Independence (in Angola), and from overseas or colonial (in Portugal). It medrou until the beginning of the youth subject to the agency of the so-called, on one side liberators and, on the other, civilizers. It survived the convulsive period around and the subsequent independence, integrated into the social order instituted by the new authorities of the country. Professional practice in the care and higher teaching areas of medicine led him, among many other destinations, to Huambo, one of the epicenters of post-independence fratricidal conflict on national soil and Berlin, also one of the centers in Europe that generate the main decisions that influenced the world in the last quarter of the 19th century and in the 20th century. , suplectively and as a free student, the courses of Modern and Contemporary History at the Humboldt University in Berlin, having subsequently carried out multicentric research in Europe, America and Africa of metaanalytical nature, of historical, archaeological, museum sites, as well as conducting interviews with time witnesses and relevant to the history of Angola. However, these efforts, of sechious and humble search for the reason of the distant and current things as well as of improvement of the coming.
* Professor of Pathology and History Researcher
Clément Mulewu Munuma Yôk
Father Clément MULEWU MUNUMA YÔK was born on June 30, 1961 in Kinkasa (DRC), is an Oblate Missionary of Mary Immaculate (O.M.I.) and ordained a priest on July 28, 1996 in Kinshasa. Former chaplain of Kikwit Central Prison (DRC) from 1996 to 2001 and luanda central jail (CCL/Angola) from March 2003 to April 2016. Former Parish Priest of the Parish of St. Andrew of Luanda (2011 to April 2016), Father Clément is also an animator of retreats and spirituality sessions. The author holds a Degree in Civil Law from the Catholic University of Angola and worked at MOSAIKO: Instituto Para a Cidadania/Luanda, as a Trainee Lawyer and Trainer from 2010 to 2011. Former Episcopal Vicar of The Congararia de Santo António/Archdiocese of Luanda (2012 to April 2016), Former Judicial Vicar of the Diocese of Caxito from February 2016 to February 2019. Member of the Episcopal Commission of Culture of CEAST, Lawyer and University Professor in Angola. Current mte Canon Law Student at ISDC of the Portuguese Catholic University since February 2019. He is the author of several scientific articles and some books such as:
— Rendre Compte à Dieu et aux Hommes. Mission Prophétique de la Vie Religieuse, Baobab Editions, Kinshasa, 2004.
" To account to God and to Men. Prophetic mission of religious life, Editions of Angola, Luanda, 2007.
" To account to God and to Men. Prophetic mission of religious life, 2nd Edition increased, Editions Baobab, Kinshasa 2012.
— Responsible paternity and motherhood from a legal point of view, Baobab Edition, Kinshasa, 2011.
— Fatherhood and motherhood legally responsible until the death of parents, 2nd Augmented Edition, Baobab Edition, Kinshasa, 2018. -
Eugénio Inocêncio...
Fernando Kawendimba
Filipe Zau
Specialist in education, teacher, historian, researcher, author and musician.
He was a musician playing with groups such as The Black Gold Duo.
Filipe Zau and Filipe Mukenga received the Common Ground Music Award 2008, awarded by the Search for Common Ground association, in May 2008, during the presentation session of the CD "Angola solta o voz", where the two musicians also collaborated. -
Filomeno Pascoal
Filomeno Pascoal is a 34-year-old native of Luanda and a Catholic Christian. Journalist and teacher. As a university professor he began his career in 2008, in several universities of the capital of the country: Lusíadas, Independente, Gregório Semedo and the Major Seminary of Luanda.
Social entrepreneur: creator and administrator of the first Angolan website on health and well-being (; coordinator and presenter of the radio program Saúde Angola, on radio Ecclesia – Catholic broadcaster of Angola, creator of Dinamikus Media e Serviços and commercial and marketing technician of Clínica Girassol.
Several courses related to communication sciences, entrepreneurship and the health sector.
Master's degree in Communication Sciences (ULHT-Lisbon-Portugal); Postgraduate in Hospital Management (UAN-Luanda-Angola); Graduated in Portuguese/Literature (UAN-Luanda-Angola) and Medium Journalism Technician (IMEL-Luanda-Angola). -
Fragata de Morais
Francisco Van-Dúnem...
"Man Vádia", or simply "Vadiago", neighborhood name of FRANCISCO DE CARVALHO VAN-DÚNEM. He was born in Luanda, in the Sambizanga district, on April 12, 1956. He spent his adolescence in Sambizanga (Bairro do Caniço - Sector Mota) and then in the Worker's Quarter.
Like most of his contemporaries, he played football in the neighborhood and in the most varied naked fields of the capital. As a federated player, in the junior category, he represented the GD of Santa Ana, of the Centro Recreativo Salão Faria. He did soccer training in the youth layers of Desportivo União de S. Paulo and as a senior at Bangú Futebol Clube.
As a geoscientist, he worked in the oil industry for 30 years.
He is currently a retired worker at Sonangol Research and Production. -
Gemma Almagro
Madrid, 1973. Escribe novela, cuentos, poesía y textos teatrales. Su relato "Radio París Lisboa" gana en 2005 el segundo premio del 50 Certamen del Concurso literario Gabriel Miró, que completa la trilogía junto a los cuentos "Quinto Izquierda" y "Cuando el río Suena". Otros de sus cuentos published son "El Mandala" y "La mujer y el Árbol".
Es la autora de la novela "La República de Guerrilla", published in 2006 by Edicions 62, Grupo Planeta. En este mismo intervalo continúa con pequeños proyectos mientras dedica especial atención a la crianza de su única hija, Maga. Su novela "Como un cuadro de Kandinsky" is selected as a finalist for the V International Competition of Latin Contact Novel.
Guerrillera de vocación y activa en redes sociales, published regularly su Poesía de Trinchera en el blog: gemmaalmagro.wordpress. com, poemas que ofrece también en formato de recitales poéticos, donde la literatura, la pasión y el humor ocupan cada uno su espacio. Active participant of Poetry Slam Barcelona y otros eventos de recitales poetic and narrative.
Sube a los escenarios de la mano de Artur Villalba con el espectáculo "Tot està bé" en 2015, creando también los textos de la pieza, y con la performance "Puntos Suspendidos", both directed by él. Actualmente trabaja en un nuevo proyecto de dramaturgia, del cual es la autora, que en breve verá la luz. -
Hélder Simbad
Hugo Henriques
Igor of Jesus
Sambizanga's son. Created in Cazenga, since 1988. Luandense, training and experiences. Angolan. He published his first poemary "A few steps... A walk" in 2010.
Jaime de Sousa Araújo
Jaime de Sousa Araújo was born on October 14, 1920 in Angola. He attended salvador correia high school and graduated in nursing at the Dona Maria Pia Hospital in Luanda. He graduated in journalism from the Institute of Angola and attended the Classical University of Lisbon and the University of Coimbra.
Civil servant and entrepreneur, participated in numerous national and international public interventions. Thus, he was a Member of the Commission for the transfer of the remains of Monsignor Manuel Joaquim Mendes das Neves de Braga to the cemetery of Alto das Cruzes, in Luanda. He was also present, under the aegis of President Nzé Jomo Kenihata, at the Political Conferences of the FNLA, MPLA and UNITA held in the Republic of Kenya. He was also invited by KIPAEA – Movement for Multilateral Disarmament – to give a lecture in Athens.
It was at the origin of several movements and organizations, such as FULA - United Front for the Liberation of Angola, the League of Lusophone Communities, FACEL – Federation of Civic Associations of the Lusophone Space and the African League (former African National League).
He was editor of several publications, such as the newspaper Farolim, which he edited and managed together with Aníbal Melo and Mário de Alcântara. He also edited the magazine, Angola, published by the African National League, and was the author of the opuscule, Deferred Dream-Economic Union of Southern Africa, a document that was sent to 13 African heads of state.
"Voice without Echo" (2012)
"Long Way" (2017) -
J.A.S. Lopito Feijóo K.
Joao Ngola Trindade
He was born on October 10, 1980 in the city of Luanda. In this city he attended primary education and the II and III levels, and also the pre-university course in Social Sciences at the Baptist College of Peace, having later joined the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Agostinho Neto University graduating in History in 2016.
Between June 2001 and January 2002 he lived in Lubango, capital of Huíla, and during his stay in this city attended the professional course of journalism taught by journalists aswes to RNA, TPA, Chela Press and Jornal de Angola. He interned in this last media agency having, for family reasons, interrupted the internship and returned to Luanda at the beginning of 2002.
He collaborated for two years (2012-2014) in The Weekly Folha 8 with articles on topics related to the History of Angola. He is currently a contributor to Jornal Cultura and his connection with this media agency began in 2012. In this newspaper, the only one specialized in cultural issues in Angola, signs articles on various topics, with an enhancement for those related to history.
Other texts of his authorship were published by Caderno Mutamba – Cultural Supplement of the Weekly Novo Jornal, with emphasis on the Critical Review of the Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington, Angola on the Trails of Independence, etc.
History, Anthropology, and Literature are his areas of interest. It has in press a work that brings together some of its scientific articles published by the Angolan press. -
João Rodrigues
João Rodrigues is the author of the books: "Reflections" (Ed. 2019), "Remember & Opine" (Ed. 2021), "A Troubling Threat" (Ed. 2022), "Casa Grande" (Ed. 2022). This author passed away in 2022.
Job Sipitali
Job Sipitali was born in cubal municipality, Benguela Province - Angola. He holds a Bachelor'Portuguese degree in Linguistics from ISCED (Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação) - Benguela. He is a member and co-founder of the FTAA (Literary and Cultural Association of Angola), where he serves as coordinator of the Benguela district. He writes mainly poetry and short stories.
Jonuel Gonc
Angolan economist, began by writing pamphlets in a clandestine student group at the beginning of the struggle for independence. Then he added articles in newspapers and magazines. In 1991, with the opening in Angola, he published his first book, an essay-report on the war. But the war came back and he only had peace to write the second in 2002, published in 2007. Then it never stopped, but it also stopped nomadizing between Angola, Brazil, Portugal, etc. This is his tenth book (fiction and non-fiction), two of them also already published in Portugal: "The Island of Martim Vaz" and "Snipers".
Jose Bento Duarte
José Bento Duarte – Born in Angola, in the city of Moçâmedes, Namibe Province. Graduated in Economics from the University of Porto. He held teaching duties at the University of Luanda before and after the country's independence. He was a senior staff in a Portuguese public company. He has published books on historical topics: in addition to Lords of the Sun and Wind – True Stories of Portuguese, Angolans and Other Africans, wrote Pilgrims of Eternity — Medieval Iberian Chronicles. He also collaborated in collective publications with texts of Portuguese-Angolan historical theme, such as: Mandume, the Portuguese and the Definition of Southern Angola; Missions in the Central Plateau of Angola; Namibe - From Origins to Independence.
Jose Paquete d'Alva...
He was born in 1951, in the area called Potó-Potó, on the outskirts of the city of São Tomé.
Primary studies in the former primary schools Vaz Monteiro and Infante D. Henrique, current schools Dona Maria de Jesus and Athanasio Gomes.
Studies at the former high school D João II, current Liceu Nacional de São Tomé and Príncipe.
Professor of History and Portuguese Language at Patrice Lumumba Preparatory School.
Degree in Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra in 1977-1982.
Course attendance of Auditors of Justice, 1982-1983, at the Center for Judicial Studies, under the cooperation agreement between the Portuguese government and that of São Tomé and Príncipe.
Internship of law in the district of Lisbon, from 1983 to 1985.
Registration with the Portuguese Bar Association from 1985 to 1992.
He practiced law in Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe.
President of the Court of Justice between 1992 and 1997.
Minister of Justice in the government of Prime Minister Evaristo de Carvalho, 2001 and 2002
Judge Counselor of the Constitutional Court between 2005 and 2018.
He has been a Jubilado Judge Counselor since 2018. -
JRicardo Rodrigues
He is one of the pseudonyms of the Angolan writer whose legally named João Fernando André. He was born, according to his parents and documents, in the fifth year of the last decade of the 20th century. He studied Humanities at the Pre-University Center of Cazenga. He holds a Degree in Portuguese Language and Language Literature from the Faculty of Letters of the Agostinho Neto University, and professor of P.L.E – Portuguese Foreign Language, at Alliance Française (in Luanda). He was Monitor of the Chair of Literary Criticism at the Faculty of Letters of the UAN. He is a storyteller, poet, essayist and Literary Critic. He was President of the Association of Students of the Pre-University Center of Cazenga, held the role of Secretary for finance of the Coordination of the Association of Students of Cazenga, from 2013 to 2014. He is a member of the Oeirense Academy of Arts (in Brazil). Participated in the «Best New African Poets 2018 Anthology». It has texts in anthologies, newspapers and Angolan, Portuguese and Brazilian magazines.
Winner, in the categories of Short Story and Chronicle, of the 26th International Poetry, Short Stories and Chronicles Competition. Honorable mention of the 27th, 28th and 29th International Poetry, Short Stories and Chronicles Competition (held by the International Academy of Arts Letters and Sciences, Brazil, RS). -
Karen Pacheco
Kiavanda Felix
Lina Paula Pinto
Livius Honorius
Electrotechnical Engineer and Energy Specialist. During his professional activity he published some technical books, having dedicated himself, after the reform, to writing on other topics. In 2014 he published the book "A Sorrir todos os animais saemers get along", Vieira da Silva Editions, and "Man in his approach to — Reality - Mind - Consciousness" (Ed. 2020), "For a True Science of Man" (Ed. 2021), "God-the-Cosmos-the-Body-Energy-and-the-Man" (Ed. 2021), "A-Journey-to-Beyond-the-World-of-Time-and-Space" (Ed. 2021), Perfil Criativo - Edições.
Lobitino Almeida N'gola
Luis Philippe Jorge
Psychotherapist (psycho-organic - orthomolecular approach),
Specialized in Nutritherapy CFNA (Training Center in Applied Nutritherapy - Belgium)
Trainer accredited by CPFC (Scientific-Pedagogical Council of Continuing Education, Braga)
Studies in naturopathy and aromatherapy (Canada)
Training in acupuncture digitoelectro (Canada)
Psychographologist, Certificate in Graphology (1987) from the Canadian Institute of Characteristicology (Canada)
Author of the books: ''From the psychology of writing to the discovery of graphology'' and ''The detachment''. -
Marco Gouveia
Google Regional Trainer, Professor at Atelier Digital Google and several colleges in the country is also Digital Marketing Consultant specialist in SEO, the art of putting a business in the first search results without advertising, Google Ads & Web Analytics.
Marcolino Moco
Marcolino José Carlos Moco (Chitué, Ecunha, July 19, 1953) is an Angolan politician. He served as the Prime Minister of Angola from December 2, 1992, to June 3, 1996, and as the Executive Secretary of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP) from 1996 to 2000.
Mario De Carvalho
Mário de Carvalho was born in 1957. He joined anop in 1978 and moved to NP at the time it was founded. In 1989 he began working for "Expresso", where he specializes in matters related to Ecology.
He was a correspondent for the weekly in Maputo, editor of "Expresso Online" and Rede Expresso (a partnership with the regional press). In 2009 he was hired by "Sol" as a correspondent in Luanda. He worked as a collaborator at Rádio Comercial and TSF. -
Miguel Neto (Level)
Alias "Nível", he is a radio announcer and television presenter who began his career in 1988 in the studio of the Karl Marx Institute - Makarenko, in Luanda. In 1989 he co-founded Rádio Luanda, where he held and presented the programs Student Movement, RPM-Rotation per Minute, Cocktail Musical and Meeting Point. Also part of this feat are the professionals Evaristo José, Amélia Mendes, Afonso Quintas, Adão Filipe, Octavio Kapapa and Hélder Barber. Years later he performed and presented RC (LAC/1993), Musical Explosion (TPA/1996), Meeting Point (RNA/2001) and High Level (TPA/2007). He is a chroniclewriter (Weekly A Capital/2003) and author of the book "A Sarrabulhada Vol I" (2009), DVD from Africa for America (2011), the books "The Account of my trajectory" (2014) and "Half-century without the charismatic Luís Visconde" (2018).
Nazário Muhongo
Whose civil registry name is Nazaré João Muhongo de Almeida, is Angolan, born in Luanda, in the distant year of 1992. He is an Average Technician of Local and Local Administration by the Training Institute of Local Administration - IFAL. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Territory Administration from Gregory Semedo University. He is currently a dedicated civil servant in the areas of Training and Training of local government staff. It is with this collection of poetic texts that it debuts in the literary world.
Pauline Maria Baiona
Paulino Maria Baiona was born in Lãndana, Cabinda Province, Angola, in 1937. He began his studies of primary education in the Catholic Mission of Lãndana and, in 1948, he went to Luanda to continue his studies, as an internal student, at the former Casa dos Rapazes de Luanda, an institution linked to the Congregation of Missionaries of the Holy Spirit, where he completed primary education. He attended high school and finished the General Course of the Lyceums. During the student period, he learned and worked to gain practice in Radiotechnics Workshop, where repairs of radio receivers (better known as telephony), sound amplifiers, turntables, sound recorders and all equipment related to transmission and reception were made. He did the learning and worked at the Radio Luanda establishment, on Neves Ferreira Street, which had a good reparations laboratory and a good Master to teach.
In 1961, he did a brief internship at the air carrier Air Transport Division (DTA).
In 1962, he joined the civil aeronautics services. With the extinction of this body in 1980, continued its activity in the new company created, the Airport Exploration and Air Navigation Company (ENANA), where he worked until retirement in 2009. -
Patrician Wanderley...
Actively studies the oil industry for over a decade; worked 7 years for the International Oil Company ExxonMobil (Esso Angola) in the Department of Petroleum Operations, in the area of Petroleum Production. He holds a bachelor's degree in Petroleum Refining Engineering from Jean Piaget University of Angola, a bachelor's degree in Petroleum & Gas Production Engineering and Applied Petroleum Engineering Technology from the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Canada, and a Master's degree in International Oil and Gas Management from the University of Liverpool in the United Kingdom. His expertise encompasses all sectors of the oil industry, including the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors, which led him to create this book.
Avid student and analyst of the different tax regimes applied to the oil sector globally; he is also an analyst on the performance of national and international oil companies (NOCs & IOCs), the oil market, and the behavior and volatility of oil prices. He conducts various research and market analysis for consulting and research companies, is a professional member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), #4174993. He taught several courses related to the oil industry at Katangoji University and IPEP in Angola. He is also an international mentor at SPE, teaching Oil Production Operations and Oil Industry Management. -
Sandra Poulson
Sandra Poulson is a native of Luanda, where she was born in the year 1962.No early 1980s she studied at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas in Lisbon, in the first course of the Primary Magisterium.
He worked in several companies in Portugal and Angola, where he graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Angola. He is a member of the Angolan Bar Association.
She is a broadcaster and journalist by passion, and a lawyer by profession.
He began giving, distributing love and wealth, soon felt the call to spiritually help those most in need. It participates in social solidarity actions, including the equipping of small libraries in schools, seminars, hospitals and associations, in municipalities far from the Angolan territory.
She is represented in several anthologies and journals with chronicles and research articles, on Angolan customs and oral tradition, the result of her field research.
He writes out of need to communicate, portray and spread the habits and customs of his homeland. -
Sebastian Lot
Sebastião Ló was born 63 years ago in the municipality of Zombo, province of Uige. Taken very early into exile in the Congo-Belgian, he continued, he finished his primary studies and the preparation cycle, and then entered high school in the "Academie de Beaux-Arts", studies he did not conclude due to a simple adventure that cost him dearly.
He infiltrated Angola, at the time of colonial rule, to visit his father and grandparents, not knowing that they were in a guarded residence; on the second day, very early, they were surprised by Pide-DGS and taken to trial (1).
Thanks to the knowledge of the case and the intervention of the priests of the Mission of Maquela, where he later benefits from custody, without knowing yet that he was in pide's crosshairs.
In 1970, he was sent to the Christ-King College of Bungo-Uíge.
In 1973, he competed as a post teacher. (After April 25, he discovered that he was in pide's sights (2).
In 1976, he joined the Negage Air Force. After being chosen in the arrangement, due to lack of staff in Education, he returned to this area as a frontline combatant.
In 1980, he set up residence in Luanda as a working student.
He enrolled in the Makarenko, which he later abandoned, resuming his studies at that establishment later; completed the Course of General Electricity, and opted for Electronics and Telecommunications that already practiced in Enana.
In 1998 and 1999, it benefits from training linked to radio-aid equipment for air navigation in IPV-Brazil.
He worked on a rotating basis in 14 airfields in the country. In 2015, he reached the end of his career as a tta-senior.
He retired with joy.
(1) and (2): long stories.
Shafu Duchaque
It is the literary pseudonym of Francisco José Domingos. Born in Luanda in the 1990s. Son of Maria Francisco and José Domingos, both from the province south of Kwanza.
He did his primary and secondary studies in Luanda, where he lives. He is a Medium Technical Local and Local Administration technician at the Local Government Training Institute (IFAL). He holds a degree in Educational Sciences, a specialist in Portuguese Language Teaching from the Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação - ISCED. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Territory Administration from Gregory Semedo University. He is professor and trainer of Oral Expression and Writing Techniques in Portuguese. Currently works in Instructional Designer in Distance Education at the Training Institute of Local Government - IFAL. Trips to LIBERATURA is the first collection of poems in which he participates. It has about two books yet to be published. -
Tomás Lima Coelho
Tomás Lima Coelho was born in Moçâmedes, former Angra do Negro and present-day Namibe, Angola, on October 5, 1952.
He is the oldest of five siblings, all born in Angola as well as their parents.
Due to the mandatory roaming of a public official father, he lived in Lândana, Caconda, Caála, Camacupa, Kuíto, Malanje and Luanda.
He has lived in Portugal since 1975. In the last decade he has been dedicated to the research of the Literatures of Angola.
Bibliography- 1st Prize of the literary contest "The books of my life", promoted by the South Bank Newspaper in 2007.
- He published the historical novel "Chão de Kanâmbua" edited by Chiado Editora in 2010.
- It appears in the following Collections of Tales: "Ocultos Buracos", edited by Pastelaria Studios in 2012, and "Alhos Vedros da minha alma", edited by the Academia Musical e Recreativa 8 de Alhos Vedros in 2013.
- Taras de Luanda II (2016), Caxinde Tea.
- Figure in the Collection of Contemporary Poetry "Between Sleep and Dream", Volume III (2012) and Volume IV (2013), edited by Chiado Editora.
- He is co-author in the organization of the works "Malanje - O Tempo e a Memória" (2013) and "Malanje - Suas Gentes" (2015).
Tony John
Ventura de Azevedo
Sebastião António Ventura de Azevedo was born in Luanda, Angola, on the last day of 1963. His first poem, "Kangato", was written in 1973, when he was studying in third grade and had a teacher who encouraged students to write short stories and poems. Seriously, he writes since November 1980, and has several originals, in prose and poetry, awaiting publication. He is the author of "Das fitas & outras fitas" (2018), by PERFIL CRIATIVO - EDIÇÕES.
Victor Torres
Wilton Fonseca
Wilton Fonseca was born in Goiânia (Brazil) in 1948. He began his career as a journalist and editor in Rio de Janeiro. He graduated in Romance Philology from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, where he was an assistant until 1977. He worked on "The Century" and the "New Newspaper". At ANOP, where he was between 1972 and 1982, he was Deputy Director and Chief Information Officer, having held the same functions at NP. He also worked at Lusa, in the weekly "Tempo", at RTP and was a contributor to several national and foreign newspapers and radio stations. He was communications director for Gulbenkian and FLAD. He worked for a decade for the United Nations in Angola, Timor-Leste, Kosovo and Burundi. He was director general of the editorial group Leya in Angola. He is the author of "In the Shadow of Power – the History of Lusitania" and the Collection Heroes Anonymous - Agency Journalism, volume 1 "History of ANOP and NP (1975-1986)", volume 2 "History of Lusitania and ANI (1944-1975)", volume 3 "Testimonials (1938-2017)" and volume 4 "From Monarchy to The New State: News Agencies in Portugal"
Wylsony dos Santos
Wilson da Piedade Santos Daniel, Angolan journalist, Graduated in Social Communication from the Private University of Angola - UPRA, specialized in Integrated Communication and Industrial Marketing by the Hélio Alonso Integrated Faculty & Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing - Brazil.
Pivot of two radio programs, in the Metodist Station of Angola Radio Kairós. Founder of the first radio program specialized in media and commercial affairs in Angola. Speaker and Provincial Delegate of ASSECA. -
Xavier de Figueiredo
Xavier de Figueiredo was born in 1947, in New Lisbon – at the time, name of the city that from its beginnings and until 1928 was simply called Huambo. There he lived until 1970. In 1971, after the military service, he entered as an intern in the drafting of the newspaper "the province of Angola", in Luanda. It was the beginning of a long and multifaceted career as a journalist, truly not yet closed and almost all spent in the field of African affairs. His first press article, reproduced here in the annex, was the subject of his homeland. It was in his teens that he wrote it. And with the uproar of a teenager, he saw it published in the newspaper "O Planalto", in Nova Lisboa. His first book, now an old man, is inspired by the same theme – now addressed from a historical perspective. To the ancient sense of attachment and affection to the earth, it combines a less ancient taste for history.
- Adriano Sokopia (1992)
- Amanddium Jamba Favor (1992)
- Angel N'silu (n/a)
- Armando Sousa (1991)
- Banny de Castro (1988)
- Fernando Menezes (1994)
- Gerson Manuel (n/a)
- Gervásio Kassoma (1996)
- Henrique Fortuna (n/d)
- Jacinto Soares (1986)
- Julius Novady (1996)
- Khelson Kaputo (1997)
- Madureira Kanambi (1989)
- Manuel Mulula (1992)
- Marta Teixeira Lopes (1989)
- Rodino Shoemaker (n/a)
- Yosefe Mwetunda (1991)
All about eCommerce...
The Tudo sobre eCommerce team consists of ecommerce and digital marketing professionals from a variety of training areas, who have joined together with the aim of making the Portuguese market a reference in e-commerce projects.
Sedrick de Carvalho
He was born in Luanda, capital of Angola. He's a journalist and human rights activist. Political prisoner sentenced by the Angolan regime to four years and six months in 'Case 15+2' in 2016 on charges of 'preparatory acts of rebellion' and 'association of evildoers'. He was locked up for a year. He studied five years of law at Jean Piaget University - Angola. He was a primary school teacher in Luanda.
Fernando Da Glory Dias
Born in Benguela with a lifetime in Luanda from 1942 to 2015, I am naturally and by the grace of the gods, Angolan of a heart delivered and paper past. For my parents, with their quiet quiet and rest in the warm and sacred Luandino soil, and by Camões and Fernando Pessoa, I am a descendant of the law. From other parts, with other poets and musicians I made them brother and so I'm Brazilian with nothing else, which is a lot.
Currently I go between Luanda, where I travel assiduously, except for the current impediment by the pandemic, and Braga, where I am living since 2015, to one side and on the other my minhota woman accompanies me and follows me as a muse.
The smells of mangoes and guavas, passion fruit and pineapples in the quindas of the zungueiras, their smile, and the red of the earth and the acacia trees in bloom, the recendent flavor of the dendem of calulus and muambas, the retemperof a muzonguê, the beaches, the great rivers, coconut trees, palm trees, casuarinas, the sacred bondeiro, the fresh mulembeira, the splendid poentes of the poets, the clear brightness of the children's gaze, their relaxedness and freedom, going to school, or doing for life, the immense variety of the people, their colorful, their cadence, their tones, their hopes and joys, the carnival, the spree, the rhythm and the rhythm, their struggle, the panoramic and vivid course of history in the face of my attentive eyes, the advances and setbacks, Angola goes, auá, Angola hurts, aiué, the great carnal and mystical odishe in the search for one People, of one nation, dreams, challenges, the longing empire of peace, from all this stems from my constant will of everything to paint by words,- more than 800 poems in 4 author editions of 2013 and 2014 – "TRILHOS I a IV"
- more than two hundred unpublished poems
- the prose of the last 6 years, from 2015 to the present, of which I have edited:
- "DIÁRIO DO MACULUSSO, or the error of Oliveira Martins" by the publishers PERFIL CRIATIVO and ALENDE
- and by editing:
- the trilogy "The long walk" (novels)
- and "From poems in your pocket", a story, or the stories of how they came to me, from childhood poems and Portuguese-speaking poets
Orlando Castro
Orlando Castro was born on October 30, 1954 in Nova Lisboa, Huambo, Angola.
Journalist - Professional Portfolio No. 480th, Deputy Director of the Angolan newspaper Folha 8.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES IN PORTUGAL Journalist and coordinator of the Economics Section of the "Jornal de Notícias" between 1991 and 2009. Editor of the Economics Section of the newspaper "The First of January" between 1988 and 1991. Editor-in-Chief of RIT - Textile Industry Magazine between 1980 and 1988. Editor and Head of the Delegation in Porto of the weekly "The Country" between 1977 and 1979.
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES (Angola 1973/1975) Editor of the daily "The Province of Angola"; Editor and Editor of the magazine "Hello! Good Night"; Collaborator of Huambo Radio Club; Employee of Huambo Commercial Broadcaster; Collaborator of the bi-weekly "The Plateau".
Author of the books: "Handcuffs of My Betrayal" (1975), "Azores - Volcanic Realities" (1995) "Yesterday, Today... and Tomorrow?". "Memories of Memory" (2001). "Alto Hama - Chronicles (says)betrayed" (2006). "Cabinda – yesterday protectorate, today colony, tomorrow Nation» (2011). Co-author of the 16 volumes of the collection "Colonial War – History in the First Person", distributed in 2011 by "Jornal de Notícias" and "Diário de Notícias". "António Marinho e Pinto - Mudar Portugal" (2015).
«Egosism (the earthquake of maximum magnitude that reached my ego). Poems written between the end of 1975 (departure from Angola) and 1980" (2022) -
Mafrano (Maurício...
Son of Francisco João Caetano, tailor, from Cambambe, and Mariana José Marcolino, he was born, like his mother, in Dondo, a land where he did primary education, then continued his studies at the Seminary in Luanda where he studied Philosophy and Theology. He began his career as an administrative aspirant, reconciling his professional activity with teaching and promoting the cultural value of Angolan social anthropology. He joined the Finance and Accounting Services in the colonial era, which later became the guardianship of the Ministry of Finance, after the independence of Angola, in November 1975, there he assumed the position of director, a role he held until the time of his death in 1982.
As a writer, he was a contributor to several newspapers and publications — with emphasis on O Apostolado, Revista Angola, O Angolense, and Tribuna dos Muceques — using the pseudonyms MAFRANO and ANATECO.
As a speaker, he was emphatic and almost theatrical, in the opinion of some of his contemporaries.
He was professor of Portuguese Language and Philosophy at the College 28 de Maio, at the Makarenko Institute, at the Liceu Ngola Kiluanje, at Escola 1. Pio XII Institute (present-day ICRA - Institute of Religious Sciences of Angola). One of his students became a prominent figure in Angolan society because he was the first black Angolan to be ordained bishop: Don Eduardo André Muaca.
It was INALD, through a collection called, The Letter, which, in early 1986, recovered a beautiful tale of this writer for the first issue of this collection, The Boy Luis Brother of João Cassabalo. -
UTAD - University of...
Luzia Moniz
Luzia Moniz, 60 years old, African from Angola, journalist, sociologist and intersectional activist, believes in democracy as a lever to combat political, economic and social inequalities.
She is co-founder of PADEMA, platform for the development of African Women, an organization of the African Diaspora in Portugal, focused on diasporic African Women, her cultural and identity values with a view to her affirmation in society in view of gender equality and opportunities.
Pan-Africanist since forever, the author led in Luanda, for five years, the Africa Desk of the Agency Angola Press (ANGOP) that coordinated all the African news of the country, before being transferred, in 1989, to Portugal as delegate of the same agency.
It is frontal, "he writes as he speaks: with his eyes wide open and lit, and looking very closely at his interlocutor, and especially without popes in the language", as portrayed in the preface of this book, the African historian of the Congo, his friend-brother Jean-Michel Mabeko-Tali.
"Luzia Moniz became undoubtedly intellectual of, and in the revolution, it was forged in it, it was built politically in it, still according to Mabeko-Tali or, as Dilia Fraguito Samarth and Anil Samarth point out, in the postscript is "dreamy, honest intellectual, implicated in the historical-political struggle from an early age, with a deep historical consciousness, whose roots are based on the eloquent example of Deolinda Rodrigues, and continues to assert its struggle against any kind of colonialism."
Luzia resides in Portugal, its land of adoption and option. -
João Ramos Piúla Casimiro
Filipe J. D. Pereira
Filipe J. D. Pereira holds a Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering. He is a Council Member and Maintenance Specialist at the Order of Engineers.
He has numerous publications in his professional field, both nationally and internationally, but he has also been dedicated to literary projects for a long time and has now decided to promote them. In this latter aspect, he expresses his reflections on time, life, and its flow, as well as on places and society, in various forms.
Luís Gaivão
Luis Gaivão was born in Luanda in 1948. He holds a bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Humanities, a master's degree in Lusophony and International Relations, and a Ph.D. in Sociology: Postcolonialism and Global Citizenship.
He has taught in various locations and countries and has held various positions, including being an advisor at the Ministry of Education, a trainer of trainers in Adult Education in Cape Verde, a Cultural Attaché in Luanda, Luxembourg, and Brussels, and the Director of the Portuguese Cultural Center in Luanda and Luxembourg.
In the field of humor, he has published books such as "History of Portugal in Nonsense," "New and Unpublished History of Portugal in Nonsense," "Political Animals by Nature," "Monsters of Sports," "Mad History of Portugal," "Stories from Angola," and "A Cultural Attaché in Luxembourg: Episodes of a Diplomacy of Eloquence."
In the visual arts field, in collaboration with Luis Ançã, he has published several books of drawings and texts, including "Angola: Muxima, Drawing and Text," "Vagos: the Ria, the Land, and the Sea," "Lagoa: Looking at the Land, Looking at the Sea," and has "Lamego: History, Land, and People" set for publication.
In the academic field, he has published works such as "Elements of Portuguese Grammar" (for Adult Education in Cape Verde), "Things and Flavors of the Portuguese Language" (work with students on the Community of Portuguese Language Countries - CPLP), "Manuel Rui: Transcultural Pathways in the Writer's Work," "CPLP: Culture as the Main Factor of Cohesion (master's dissertation), "Through the South, a Path is Made: Angola, Transculturation, and the Atlantic in Manuel Rui's Work" (doctoral thesis), "The Decolonial South in Manuel Rui's Work," and "Manuel Rui: Work, Writer, Thought." Now, he has released "Angola and the Atlantic: Colonialism, Coloniality, and Decolonial Epistemology."
He has various texts in magazines and has participated in colloquia and congresses in various countries. He is a cultural agent for numerous interventions, almost always on Angolan themes.
Rahmat Anwar Al Owaysi
Danilo Facelli Fierro
A human being who is a full-time poet. Since 2004, he has been distributing his poetic work on the streets. Between 2005 and 2010, he was part of the companies "aQúTeatro" and "Los Estupendos Estúpidos." In 2007, he decided to live off "Bolo," a scenic project that combines poetry, theater, and live music. In 2016, he directed the circus show "(In)*finit" by the company Zero. In 2017, he published the poetry book "Soñando Con," and in 2018, the book of aphorisms "Chupitos." In 2019, he performed at the Barcelona Poetry Festival and was selected to create and perform "Aldarri," a street theater piece created for the "Festival Eztena in Rentería, Gipúzkoa."
In 2013, he designed the content for the intensive theater training program "La Palabra Viva," which he continues to teach to this day. Since 2014, he has been coordinating the stage poetry series "Perifèric Poetry Mataró," and between 2017 and 2021, he co-hosted "Lokal de Risc" with Marc Rodrigo, a quarterly cabaret celebrated at the "Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris."
In 2020, he co-directed "Toca Toc" by the company "Pakí Payá," which won the "Zirkólika" award for the best circus tent show. They also published the collection of poems "La Tierra y el Barrio" and joined "El Laboratorio de los Impossibles": a group of performers who come together to carry out artistic actions in different cities of Catalonia. In 2021, he acted as the virtual host of the "Vociferio, Festival de Poesia de València," participated in the textile performance "Kapada de Georgina Marqués," and performed in the circus theater show "Shake, Shake, Shake" by the company "Pakí Payá." In 2022, he premiered the shows "La Tierra y el Barrio" (March) and "La Vida es una Fuerza Oscura" (October). In 2023, he directed the "Combinat de Circ 59" at the "Ateneu Popular de 9 Barris" and celebrated twenty years since his first poetry recital.
Frei Maneco (Angola)
Africano Neto (RNA)
M. Neto Costa
Eugénio Monteiro Ferreira
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