Ética Educativa à Luz da Racionalidade Comunicativa | Educational Ethics in the Light of Communicative Rationality
Professional ethics is a problem that the contemporary world considers to be important for proper professional practice in all professions and professionals. In the educational field it seems that the need for value criteria is urgent and necessary because the educational process is centered on the subject, which is the beginning, center and end of civilization: the person, the citizen. The difference between professional deontology in education and other professions is that education aims at human construction and reconstruction according to the civilizational advances of each historical epoch. This is only possible when the facilitator (teacher) internalizes and experiences some moral criteria established by the deontology of his area.
Author: Domingos da Cruz
Publisher: Elivulu
Year of publication: August 2020
ISBN: 978-989-53269-0-7
Language: Portuguese
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