In the second half of the 20th century and in this century, many other South American and African thinkers have been studying the diverse phenomenon of Southern colonialisms. They have successfully reestablished possible connections with ancestral epistemologies and knowledge, where Eurocentric thought has not completely penetrated. The purpose of this book is to reflect on these Southern colonialisms through the perspectives of Southern thinkers, whose realities are quite distinct from Northern colonialisms. By contemplating the history of Iberian colonialisms, the aim is to understand what they transformed in the History of the Atlantic, particularly here in Angola.
Fundamentally, it is about placing Angola and its history before itself and helping to discover the connection between the past and the future. This involves filling the empty spaces left by colonial persistence with new societal patterns (ecology of knowledge) while embracing the entry into modernity. Not a Eurocentric modernity, but a human and natural one, from the South, the Atlantic, and Angola.
The National Center for Culture (Portugal) classified this work as one of the best books published in 2023: https://www.cnc.pt/melhores-livros-de-2023/
Author: Luís Gaivão
Publisher: Perfil Criativo - Edições
Year of publication: September 2023 - 1st edition
ISBN: 978-989-35076-8-1
Collection: Academic Works (Volume 2)
Number of pages: 148
Language: Portuguese
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